Thursday, April 7, 2011

7 deadly sins

Sebenarnya, istilah ini muncul pas si Regi tiba2 ngomongin istilah itu di meja makan dinner kita bersama romo selasa lalu, dan aku penasaran, apa lagi sich 7 deadly sins itu? Kalo coba buka di Youtube "7 deadly sins" ya itu adalah semua yang sudah dijelaskan melalu History Channel. cukup jamblang indeed, 7 deadly sins is not state in the bibble, itu rangkuman dari pikiran manusia yang kalo dipikir2 ada benernya juga. maybe if the link above is too "theological" for you, you can try to watch the movie 7 deadly sins which starring by well known cast :
in this movie, they explain rafly about how the sins works among us, and most of the time, we did. this is the summary for every chapter Lust - I watched the beginning of this movie several times, and didn't hear her mention anything specifically on lust, so I have nothing for this one, sorry. Envy - Unrequited lust bites, and it leads to envy. Pride - Pride comes before a fall. It's a super-sized sin. Just ask Lucifer, it got him tossed from heaven. Wrath - Turn kindness inside out and you get wrath. It's the quiet ones who are the most dangerous. Sloth-it brings us down. It stops us. Gluttony - The thing about gluttony is that it's the ultimate selfish act. Greed- If pride is the root of all sin, greed is the sun-kissed fruit. Greed feeds on immediate gratification. Right here, right now. I find out something that regi was talking about the other day, Brad Pitt movie about seven deadly sins. It's kind of horror compare to the movie that I have show you previously, because it is about murderer. the movie called seven Kalo diliat liat lagi serem juga yah, soalnya tanpa sadar kita emang melakukan semua itu, dan itu ada demon di diri manusia. Kalo mau tau lebih lanjut, wikipedia juga menyediakan keterangan tentang ini, sampe di link2 sama nama setan2nya lagi. Don't compromise with any sins, although it's fun and interesting, tapi yang perlu diingat adalah Tuhan count kesetiaan kita bukan cuman pas kita melakukan kebaikan dan tiap kita ke gereja, but to proove our faith in God need the rest of our life. (why 2:10)
"Jangan takut terhadap apa yang harus engkau derita! Sesungguhnya Iblis akan melemparkan beberapa orang dari antaramu ke dalam penjara supaya kamu dicobai dan kamu akan beroleh kesusahan selama sepuluh hari. Hendaklah engkau setia sampai mati, dan Aku akan mengaruniakan kepadamu mahkota kehidupan."

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