Sunday, January 31, 2010

after graduation

*I'm graduated without a cap.. LOL

It was really great to see all of us smile.. with that rob, and that turquoise color. suits us better.
you guys - and me- look so gorgeouse.
I'm really happy too see your smile, there is a proud and glad..
some of us maybe just come for support, but some because we want share this day
this is the day that we share everything.. and we did!
not only for us, but our family , as a one...Dream Team.
I love to have a friend like you... no one can treat me better than you guys did.
and I hope this friendship will last forever!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

the condition .. second

sakit itu masih ada...,tapi aku sudah lupa dulu itu sesakit apa...
soalnya sekarang udah ga sakit2 banget.

Malaysia back

Hidup akan berubah... bahasa inggrisnya Life will change, itu yang aku rasakan bakal terjadi semseter ini..
bukan aku yang mau...tapi feelingku bilang gitu..
saat menapakkan kaki di rumah baruku yang baru semingguan kutempati tahun lalu..aku sudah merasakan angin musim yang mulai berganti... pancaroba ceritanya.
yang jelas.. I'm not in Indonesia anymore. although I bring two momS from different city in one room, aku masih bisa merasakan ini bukan Indonesia... ini Malaysia!
ini malaysia dengan suasana yg berbeda dari dua setengah tahun yang lalu , dengan kamar baru that I still can't rememmber where I put my thing, unorganize.. aku masih butuh banyak banget adaptation.
dengan suasana rumah baruku yang baru...(WTH...baru semua) It's kind of I'm enter strange house with strange room, but familiar wallpaper. LOL
and tinggal tunggu persiapan buat Graduation tanggal 31 besok, and really.. I don't think this two m0ms wouldn't trouble me with their suggestion and different advice that I need to follow
yeah yeah yeah...
hari ini, I'll start my life in the new semester.. it's such a good idea to plan everything in the begining, tapi as usual...I'm still lazy to do it.
yah.. aku cuman plan ngabisin film2 dvd bajakanku yang aku prepare dari indo plus beresin kamarku supaya layak ditinggali, atleast make me comfortable in 6 months. good

sekarang, sedikit hampa..
mau kangen, kangen siapa...
hahaha.. sepi ga ada siapa2..
anak2 belum pada ngumpul..
yah mending sibukin diri sendiri lah...memperindah diri..hahahaha
will come again with other blog yg lebih bermutu dari pada cocotan bahasa indonesia yg ga berguna kayak gini...hahaha


Friday, January 22, 2010

2 haevy question in my head...

...that had been answered:

1. do we need to be angry? but if after angry we feel regret, is it true?

-like a Christ,mature Christians will expirience angry feelings. But those feelings must be stimulated by a love and concern for others and righteousness, rather than by frustration of our own desires. We choose to feel the way we feel. So, express those feelings constructively so that in every emotion,God is Glorified.

2. can we avoid changes?

- people change, people learn :
according to aldoism there is 3 form of changes ; 1) fate 2) destiny 3) other people
1) fate is something that you can't change
2) destiny is something that you choose to do it
3) other people makes you to do a changes

and... all is answered

thx for share, winda

Thursday, January 21, 2010


"Vino G. Bastian (born in Jakarta on 24 March 1982) is an Indonesian film actors.
In the junior high school, he started playing music as a drummer.
and now he has a lot of movie that famous in Indonesia"

pertama kali ngeblog tentang cowok ini... padahal kagumnya udah sejak 6 tahun yang lalu.diam diam aku selalu nunggu film barunya diya yang selalu menarik dan layak untuk ditonton.apapun konsep filmnya, asal yg meranini vino, everything will be nice.. haha
apalagi banyak banget film2 yang mengharuskan diya memerankan karakter dari daerah tertentu, itu juga yg jadi salah satu favoritku.. pas diya ngomong jawa, mantaph bangetz slank-nya! haha

terlepas dari kehidupan pribadinya, vino has his own style in act, kalo nggak dy ga mungkin se sukses ini donk. apalagi tahun ini dy mulai mbintangin FTV ato sinetron malah...(sory neeh kalo salah, maklum jarang di indo dan nggak seberapa tau perkembangan sinetro2n eh tau2 vino muncul di tv)
tiap2 peran yg diya mainin selalu punya karater yg kuat, ditunjang dengan fisik yang totally perfect for me, he can be my rank A for indonesian actor.

liburan ini kayaknya emang harus lebih serius ngurusin masalah hobby vino-mem vino ini. jadi dikit aku juga ngumpulin film2 vino yg masih fresh dipikiranku, dan tentunya masih beredar di pasaran, untungnya film indonesia masih banyak yg available! it.
terus juga udah mulai nyari2 ttg siapa sich vino.. mungkin dulu terlalu cuek kali, jadi cuman suka vino sebatas itu itu aja, tapi sekarang pengen ahk nge fans artis indonesia kayak jaman SD dulu, biar selalu ada alasan untuk connect ama negara tercinta ini...nah... dari situlah aku mulai berani bilang terang2an kalo aku tu nge fans ama vino.. dalam kata lain, aku tuh tau perkembangan film di indonesia, atleast..ttg vino...hahahaha

and, karena itu juga aku jadi tau ttg kontrovesi kehidupan pribadinya dy. mulanya aku ga terlalu ambil pusink ttg kisah cintanya ma mbak upi, menurutku mbak upi cukup mengangumkan kok...jadi sampe sekarang aku juga ga masalah. tapi emang realita seperti ini tuh unik, dan selalu jadi bahan omongan orang... cowok sempurna lebih memilih wanita 10 tahun diatasnya, janda pula.kadang nggak habis pikir juga .tapi ngapain sich ngambil pusing urusan orang, yang jelas..

aku sebagai fans vino yg -masih cupu- berpendapat, apapun yg dilakukan dan dipilih vino itu ya yg terbaik buat diya, sejauh orang2 disekitarnya bisa build his own personality and he getting better, itu sudah cukup bagus. mungkin aja sama mbak upi ,dy bisa belajar jadi bapak yg baik buat farrel dan jadi laki2 yg genah (nggak kayak peran2 yg diya mainin selama ini) hahaha. thx juga sich mbak upi yg selalu update blognya ttg cerita nya pas sama vino.. meski selalu membuat jeles (mungkin itu salah satu tujuannya..haha) tp seneng lah bisa tau sedikit ttg perjalanan hidup vino.

overall... aku cuman pengen ngelanjutin ngoleksi film2 vino, apalagi yg aku telat ga sempet nonton. and yes... nggak sabar nunggu film2 vino terbaru selanjutnya! :)

film2nya VINO :
  • "30 Hari Mencari Cinta" (2004)❤❤
  • "Cinta Silver" (2005)
  • "Catatan Akhir Sekolah" (2005)❤❤❤
  • "Realita, Cinta dan Rock'n Roll" (2006)❤❤❤❤
  • "Pesan Dari Surga" (2006)
  • "Foto Kotak dan Jendela" (2006)
  • "Badai Pasti Berlalu 2007" (2007)❤❤❤
  • "Tentang Cinta" (2007) ❤❤❤❤
  • "Radit dan Jani" (2008) ❤❤❤❤
  • "Punk in Love" (2009) ❤❤❤❤❤
*reaksi pas dapet tlpn dari vino *doeeng! :D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my XL number

I was lost my XL number 2 weeks ago..
the criteria of replace it back is police letter, ID card and numbers that you call the most.
bad news is, I lost my police report and luckly my id card is finish one day before.fiuh~
at least i need to provoke the xl people to give replace the simcard without police repot..issit possible?

and good news is I get back that evil number..wonderful triple 6!! hahaha
without asking any police report, without any arguments.
thanks for 3 numbers that prove XL to replace new simcard for me
1. Johan
2. Mum
3. Nian

3 person that I called the most...hahahah
❤ it....mwahhh

Monday, January 18, 2010



tambah tua loeeeeeee

the condition

"Even when I saw your picture with your girlfriend now..
I don't feel any pain
I'm happy for you~ ^^"

*miss your city and our story

Saturday, January 16, 2010

attract me ❤❤❤

things that a guy has easily attract me:



hand (essp finger)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

make over

kind of not up to date stuff..
but this is my hair-make over by shinjuku saloon surabaya
I did it on 7th of january...

nice? I just like my brown hair~

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm okay... totally FINE!

*just thinking about unpredictable and uncertain things too much

Friday, January 8, 2010

tentang diya

kalo boleh aku merangkai satu bab tentangmu.. aku mampu
hanya saja itu tak cukup indah untuk mengungkapkan kebaikanmu selama ini.
you used to be my enemy, but you are to good to be such a person
so I call you "sobat"

sampai ketika waktu terakhir kita bersama
aku masih nggak bisa membayangkan betapa sepinya kota ini tanpamu.
namun, waktu berkata lain
mungkin bila berpisah saat ini, cerita kita akan lebih indah dirangkai
dan yang pasti, kita cukup punya alasan untuk adanya pertemuan selanjutnya.

no johanism please
and do nadiaism
never let something flow without a base, at least giving a certainty
and when there is a certain situation, we can plan for the worst and hope for the best
if only johanism that you apply.. that is the worst situation in nadiasm.
let it flow....uncertainty ..right!

and yeah... nggak skip ketawa kalo sama kamu
meski panas, berdebu, dan harus pake helm ( itu yg kurhindari saat aku lebih feminin)
asal sama kamu aja, bisa jadi pengecualian buat aku.
tenang teman... I will always be the same person
person that always be here for you.friend that you can be relied.

because I love our story,
you win one point in my life!
good job...syabas!

*last day with you

Monday, January 4, 2010

gift for this year

TVXQ Has Officially Disbanded?

According to Yahoo! Japan, as of December 31, 2009,TVXQ has finally disbanded. We're going to start the new year with a pretty depressing note. Though fans have been doubting this news or staying in denial, Japanese reports have stated that these boys are absolutely finished. No longer are the days when the boys traveled together, have any sort of interaction, or even react with one another back stage! Since the break of the news about trouble in paradise for the boys, there has been little to no interaction among them at all. The boys have been using separate dressing rooms or setting up walls to avoid contact with one another. Apparently, BREAK OUT will be their final single to be released and the boys will be releasing their BEST album in February. Finally, a final goodbye concert is to be held sometime in June. It is implied that after these events take place, the boys will end their relationship with one another as the group TVXQ. However, fans that still want to keep their faith alive, there has been no official news released by the boys, AVEX, nor SM Entertainment. Is it Yahoo! Japan being unnecessarily dramatic or is there some truth to this? We'll find out soon enough.

resources all kpop

comment from Nadia Nicole

Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's really good to know that I'm living in 2010. yeah, now is 2010
I believe that everybody have their hope, their wish and their solution to make this year better than last year
neither me, I have a bunch of list for it,
but there's always one question in my head
"Is that really important to make a list?"

Me, personally.. difficult to decide

Everyday,I see so many things happen and every night I have different things to wish,
and honestly, I don't like to wish for my self , it's really pleasure to wish for other person too
Coz when people surround you are happy, you will happy with them and their will be less sad, and pain..maybe.

and this year I wish my appearance will be so much better ( I want to touch 62kg for my weight!) and My personality will be so much controllable. I need my Jesus for it.

every friend that I appreciate so much. I will send msg to them
"happy new year, i hate you more this year!"

and you know when I send you that msg, you are really important to me!
but for those celebrate with me, you have been a part of my days

this year I have new room that still so messy and I It's already full of my things
until my friend said "how long you've been moved here?, looks like you've been here a year"
pardon me, I'm moving 2,5 years memory inside this room, of course it's full
I will posted the memory of my old house a new look for my new house.