Sunday, May 31, 2009

LOMO that I demand-ing

LOMO 8 lens, can create 8 different picture :)

LOMO 4 Lens , can create 4 differen zooming position

LOMO 4 lens straigh, can create a great Lanscape I guess

I hope I could experimental it before I go back to Indonesi .....

Friday, May 29, 2009

PArk-I-ran dung

sekumpulan ank2 kreatip surabaya
yang bisa bikin movie kayak korea
tapi penuh dengan makna...salutt salutt

part 1

part 2

Thursday, May 28, 2009


can you see that???!!!
my result is came out...
NOT BAD nadia..^^
for the first time..straight B with their variation .LOL

2nd year anniversary

Today is 2nd anniversary for me and him
the first time I done tracing for picture, I did because of him
please check out the final work..

Hope you like it dear...luph you ^^

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mengenang seorang sahabat

Saat aku SMA, aku bertemu seorang remaja yang ramah,periang, dan penuh bakat
karena sikapnya itu, kami berdua gampang akrab..
hingga waktu tidak berbasa basi,
menghadiahkan sebuah persahabatan buat kami.

bernyanyi bersama, menghabiskan waktu berdua adalah kegiatan kami
bahkan aku rela menghantarkan diya sampe rumahnya yang jauh dari kota..
kami melewati banyak waktu kelam dan bahagia,
dan aku berjanji, apapun yang terjadi aku akan selalu ada disampingnya untuk mendukungnya

hingga akhirnya dia menguak rahasia yang selama ini ia sembunyikan
karena tubuhnya yang mungil tidak sanggup lagi menahan derita sendirian
ia tak sanggup berlari, sering pingsan, dan sesak napas..
ternyata ia punya penyakit jantung bocor bawaan.

setiap hari ia harus melalui ketidak pastian, apakah jantungnya masih bisa terus berdetak
segala cara telah diupayakan sejak dokter,terapi, minum obat.
kata dokter diya harus selalu mennjalani rutinitasnya, sekali teledor akan menimbulkan maut.
namun kadang diya membandel ...
karena bosan dengan semua medical yang mengisi rutinitasnya.
mana mungkin seorang remaja yang belum genap 17 tahun tidak bosan dengan semua ini??!
dimana teman2 asik bermain bercanda menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga..,
sahabatku harus beristirahat agar jantungnya tetap memberikan diya hidup.

namun manusia memiliki batas kesabaran, remajapun ingin menikmati kehidupan secara normal
disaat itulah kondisinya melemah, tak terkontrol..
hingga cuman sebuah keajaiban bisa menyembuhkannya

Ia pesimis,
tiap guru bertanya tentang universitas mana yang mau ia tuju, Diya selalu tak berani memberi kepastian
karena dia pesimis akan masadepannya...
Ia pesimis bahwa Ia bisa bertahan hingga kami lulus SMA.
Ia pesimis akan ada hari esok untukknya.

Sampai akhirnya, Tuhan memberikan dia kesempatan....
Ia melewatkan maut untuk kesekian kalinya.

Aku bisa merasakan apa yang diya rasakan.
hampir setiap hari aku harus siap menghabiskan waktu istirahat sekolah untuk menemaninya di UKS
setiap hari harus sering mengingatkan diya untuk minum obat, tidak makan sambel kesenangnnya, walau kadang diya membangkang
tiap hari aku harus siap... kehilangan seorang sahabat yang mengukir sejuta kenangan di kehidupanku

sahabat..apa kabar kau diseberang sana??
aku berharap kita bisa bertemu dalam waktu dekat.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My friend ugly face is in the website!

not to say really proud of him,
but yea, he is my friend XD
not bad....

joke from ashlyn office

office humour of the day:

Ian was working on his comp when the connection went off. Brian,beside him, went under the desk to check the plug.

" Sigh..I LOVE MY JOB," says Brian, under the desk.
" OHH, ur good!" says Ian, "It's better already!"
Rosheen shouts,"Oy! NO GAY SEX IN THE OFFICE!"

I laugh like hell man! it's real you know! hahahahah

newspaper ads that done in the first day

this what I had done in my first day intern.
newspaper ads (need to be B/W), alot of content need to be clear information, so lil bit wordy
still haven't prove yet.
no copyrights from the college, credits for me!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

boring intern!

what internship is...
1. wake up early
2. worst public transport
3. low allowance
4. nothing to do...
5. bored!
6. no desk??!!!
7. bring laptop along..heavy!
8. passion
9. passion
10. passion

this only my second day
the job is still boring........ :(
where I can complaining?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I know a big secret
I know what God doing..
I know what His waiting for.
His waiting for Issac pull out the intern..WTH.
I get the job now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear God

Tuhan, apakah Engkau sedang berhitung?
tentang seberapa banyak yg bisa aku dapatkan di perusahaan itu..
tentang sebesar apa mereka akan berpengaruh tentang masa depanku..
atau kesulitan apa yg akan aku alami dalam perjalanan kesana?

Tuhan apakah Engkau sedang membandingkan?
perusahaan mana yg terbaik buat ku..
tentang mana yg lebih memudahkanku..
atau tentang dimana tempat yg bisa membuatku berkembang?

Tapi bukankah seharusnya itu sudah Kau lakukan begitu lama,
saat Kau bentuk aku dengan kreatifitas yg ada..
dan memutuskan tentang bidang yang aku pilih,
aku tau Kau telah menyelasikannya.

namun kenapa aku harus tetap menunggu , begitu lama...
apa yang sedang mereka perbuat?? ...apa yang Kau rencanakan??

sememtara waktu tak pernah berhenti berlari,
menerpaku hari demi hari.
dan aku disini..
harus tetap menunggu dengan keyakinan yang hampa...
lama kelamaan... kehampaan memudarkan seberkas cahaya yang dulu begitu terang
menjadi abu abu.

Tuhan apa yang sedang Engkau lakukan?
teman-temanku sedang menungguMu imembentuk sebuah rencana bagi masa depan mereka
namun masih ada saja yang tertinggal...
Tetapi, aku tak mau menjadi salah seorang dari mereka.
aku akan menunggu janjiMu padaku digenapi!

Your Daughter,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

news from twilight

I found some video that i want to share.
probably you may now, or you lazy to find
this is the deleted scene of twilight!
-quite hot-

and anyway, issue from new moon..
it has a controversy issue..which is the director is change
so imagine the risk, maybe we can get better movie or worst than the first.
some information.. the cast for jacob will be change, coz he is not tall enough to be jacob in new moon.
why don't they just make him look bigger with some trick instead of change the cast
taylor is HOT!

check this out!

finally.the cast of new moon...

and still browsing...
on and on...
and i found!
taylors will stay in new moon as jacob! good news for all!
he put effort into it, coz he did exercise, although his body wouldn't be as bigger as jacob..

Monday, May 11, 2009

so much more than happy ending

I'm finish everything last week...
and although the last paper is not a happy ending,
but Me and my friends create a real happy ending.
it's so much more than happy ending

i love you guys!
forever wouldn't forget!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I'm 20 years old...
and already 20 years I carried my weight.
my weight that everyday is increase,
actually not true, coz I have the same weight since 4 years ago.
but..I'm tired.
I just want to give a revolution to my self, that i never felt before.
maybe...become slim?
..not really slim...
but at least not obesity.
and become a real women? woman...I'm still teenager T.T

but yeah..
finally i can speak...
I hate my fat!

Monday, May 4, 2009


i just realize that my friend use my photograph to be their profile picture..
which means,,they like picture that i took

Friday, May 1, 2009




tambah tua loe! XD

thx for the unbelievable present..
Frist from SOLO..that make me laugh and surprise coz you are very romantic ^^
and for my ridzuan friend,..thx for the visit and make me as you victim..
I'm 20... not begin with 1 again..

anyway, unbelievable presen had done last night 00.50am malaysia time.
I just let whatever they did to me, coz I didn't expect that they did those things in my 20th!
which is mature enough to celebrate with kindness,
and yeah, I think a lot of revenge had been done. and weel done.ahahaha

this is some of the report "ke-keji an kawan2 kawanku"

they push me righ-left

they lock me in the corridor! so bad!

the paper said " Awas Flu babi"

egg in my head!

action that had been catch with my camera!

Catch ya!

although they make me like insane, but I'm still happy :)

and yeah, they are not only make me as a victim, but they also invited 1 phunk-ers and 2 she-male, hahahahaha.....

See? I'm stiil more masculin then them!

Okay, thats interesting...

but the most beautiful present that I have is from Indonesia...
this is one video present from solo friend..that make me laugh although i keep watching in 7 times.

this video from my dudut. check this out! second version.

surprise that I'mm waiting for are coming,
my classmate give me a wonderfull birthday! I can say that it's the best birthday that i've ever had
Because it's special from them!
they really did it for me!
they did cook, buy cake, slice meat, bring pan for bbq, wrote birthday card, find a star bucks cup for me, go to ampang buy a korean snack!
you guys really good to me! the most lucky girl in the world!

snack tht max and casper special brought to me lol


they cook for mee!! ^^

korean BBQ ala Max

we enjoy our time together

love you guys~

from 5 whises that I wanted, they can make 3 of it came true!
1. casper came
2. a lot of card
3. korean food!

you are rocks!!!!

not yet

i'm not yet 20! I born at 5am in the
still 5 hours to go
my mom still in ICU 20 years