Thursday, August 25, 2011

a sweet friendship refresh the soul

Finally, the time had come...

after 16 years searching for education, it comes to the end

and you get your first degree..

I can't imagine how it feels to be graduated, i think you pretty much relief, and ready to build your future..


*joko graduation

After 1,5 months separation with you, I can feel the difference..

there is no body to talk to directly, to share and built our faith..dull.

that was only the trial,

now the time is going to leave Adelaide for good.
somehow, deep inside my heart, I feel so distress

one and half month without you was bad enough to call it as a misery,

I feel half.. and another quarter gone with you,and now it's going to permanently gone..

I need to come back with my own life, the normal life that I used to have before, even I forgot how it was without you..

You are a great friend of mine, one of the best friend in my life,

you had been sparkled my life in Adelaide

I feel so sorry for my self being to dependent with you, so I should feel this pain of separation,

after this point, we might not going to be the same. we might forgot whatever relation that we have before,

but I believe we always can come back.. in the same path.. called.. memories.

I'll going to miss you Joko...

and always keep you in my prayer.

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