Thursday, August 25, 2011

remarkable date

when everything is tremendously changes...
when the love of God is truly happening for everyone who faithful in Him..

I was struggling to survive in Australia with $300 in bank, looking for a job to support and survive, still dedicate my life to spread a God's love to others, even though i experience shortage, but I don't want to think about it, because I have faith God will make everything fine.
Dion fighting with his life, decision with in staying in Australia for PR or going back to Indonesia, with no job in hand, trying to look at every chance to make his day effective, some problem about the incident which makes him worried,but he has faith that God has plan in him for his presence in Australia
Joko finish his uni-life, start his job in Indonesia,which totally different with his previouse life in Adelaide or Canada.

Mom has sent me money, really enough to survive till the end of my study visa. I can plan my trip to wherever I want, I won't worry about any shortage, but I still need to find a job, life continues in Adelaide
Dion get the job! from no where, suddenly he got the job. after he got his TR planning to his PR,and his incident problem showing a green light. he will no longer jobless and has plan in his life
Joko has officially graduate from Unisa, has his first degree in his life, going back to Indonesia and leaving Adelaide, no turning back wherever he was, and keep looking forward to his future carrier

See, Hoe God works in our life.
"Blessed are those who believe without seeing" John 20:29

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