Monday, November 22, 2010

wish for Santa

"Nadia Nicole Santa... I want to work with you more, so I can earn alot of $$$ to pay my rent and all my expenses during holiday :P, the bonus is to get new DSLR and new boyfriend maybe? :P"

I don't know why suddenly this status appear on my mind,
been awhile after I'm working in Santa Land Myer, asked kids what they want to wish for Santa, then I realize that It's been awhile since I have nothing to wish for Christmas.
yea, this is just November, but Christmas seems coming very very week we will start an advent, and 4 weeks after that Christmas :)
I have nothing for Santa, not even a single sock, because all my socks are smelly, and I don't plan to buy a big one. but, since I'm working as a Santa helper in Santa Land I think It's ok for me to only wish without any offering - I'm big enough to understand that Santa has no time to give me any present.

Every kids has their own wish, some wants to have toy, video game, and some hi tech kids want to have Wii and Iphone (WTH??~~)
What I want it's just a simple things.. I want to work as Santa Helper more often, so I can earn more money to cover all expenses during holiday, the left over will be for my new upcoming DSLR , Simple.
But the controversial is the new boyfriend..,Whooopppssss~ what does it means? I also don't know.
I feel I'm ready to have boyfriend next year, maybe,someone that really suitable for my condition, I don't know, I hope that I can find someone that makes me more stronger and loved.
anyway, without any sexual appeal, which is I still not ready yet for this moment, and yeah.. I don't know.. It's just my human nature said so, nobody's want to be lonely right?

and moreover, I'm enjoying my day pretty well, always hang out,
and the weather that keep changing every hours make me sick, almost-slightly sick
but I recover fast because I'm happy

ok, ready to meet Santa?
back to work.

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