Saturday, November 29, 2008

18 moths

every 28 It's my anniversary..
yeah, many things happen between me and my boyfriend
today is our 18 months...i feel that we just met last month,but it have been 18 months..

what's different between us?
hmm..i just realize that i don't know how my life will be withouth him
he has been fill my day for 18 months, and we pass a lot of things,
although we are have Long distance relationship
many thing was change, because of him
i know that my love and his love not as flare as first time,
like.. we not really thing about each other, not as care as last time
but when we just stop our activity, and have a break
we really miss each other rather than before.

i know it will not ever-after
but, now i stat it will be over.
(because i really need him)

this is his comment for me...

I reply him as well.. ^^

"thx ya dut buat 18 bulan ini, doaku semoga kamu tambah ganteng,tambah sayang dan tambah sugih...ahahaha . luph you so much, muuuaaccchhhh"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reasons why i going/not going to club tonight

again....I'm facing this problem in front of my face!!
no one can help,no one can answer.
so i use this media for me to get my decision

7 reason why i go to club tonight
1. because my classmate will go
2. to chill with them (if not maybe they will abandon me?)
3. I don't want to miss the time with them (i will miss some story)
4. i want to use my dress - first dress
5. My best friend go, so maybe i need to see what happen with them,maybe stop something if i can
6. Maybe i can take a good picture there?
7. nothing to do tonite

7 reason why i don't want to go club tonight
1. I don't really need to go,because I'm not stress,i cheer enough
2. I don't want to see them do crazy things(it's annoying)
3. I can't help them or scold them if they do it (because their freedom),
4 I will feel helpless if that's happen and that will hurt me
5. I don't want to hurt my self if i saw inappropriate behaviour.
6. I can't drink
7. I'm not enjoying clubbing

OMG why it's always HARD !
do i need to say.. NO , or just go ahead...
my hearth say NO! my mind say YES!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Metamorfosis of My baby

First day piku & pika go out from the house.
the hair grow a bit but can see the colour,eyes haven't open,and the body is shake

After Bobo and Lala gone (their parents) they live together.
eyes open,and can eat by them self,they still dunno how to drink,so i still supply them milk.
they still learn how to use the roll thingy.

Now,their grow bigger and bigger,almost same size with their parents
they become mature hamster now,a bit fight and Love to eat!

unexpected my two cute little baby hamster become monster now..
but i still love them,and will take care.
no more hamster please...bankrupt.
-i hate people who always promise but never make it.
i hate my self because i still waiting for it
Nadia Nicole

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sendiri- Tohpati

aku nulis blog ini sambil denger lagu tohpati yang judulnya sendiri..
hatiku bergetar, jiwaku melayang ke masa dimana aku pertama kali ndengerin lagu ini..
ndak tau kenapa...this song have their own place in my hearth.
ndak cuman aku...tapi juga beberapa teman-temanku.esspecially one of them who introduce me this song.

aku nggak terlalu jelas lagu ini bercerita ttg apa..
tapi illustrasi pertama yg aku dapat dari lagu ini adalah... seseorang yg lagi menyendiri..di pagi hari yg sejuk,di pegunungan, dimana embun masih membasahi pelipis mata dan daun-daun menari di terpa angin sepoi....indahnya kesendirian.

tapi bagiku.. lagu ini melambangkan persahabatan.
tiap aku mendengar lagu ini...aku terbayang akan sebuah persahabatan yang pernah aku pertahankan- atau aku paksakan- saat aku SMA..persahabatan yang terjalin solid, namun berakhir dengan sedikit luka...
lagu ini adalah bagian dari kenangan itu...didalamnya ada kesejukan,dan kepahitan.
namun tetap..lagu ini enak buat di dengar

thx to Gadi and Tor for introduce me this song.


Sendiri - Tohpati

Thursday, November 20, 2008

what a shock...

just now i went downstairs for a while,to take my dinner with vinny and christin.
swhen i came back, actually i want to go shelly room first,but i don't know why i want to go my room first
yea, i didn't lock my room.. but..who open the light????
when i open my room, i saw my housmate lay down in my bed...
and she lay down in my bed with outing cloth!! that i don't even sit when i wear outing cloth...
what a shock man! she is in my room without my permission..OMG...i just realise that i don't like it.
it's not just about she enter my roon without my permission,she also did the things that i don't like,and i had mention many time before...


Monday, November 17, 2008

to the past

tomorrow is my first day for final exam..hmm exactly 12 hours from now.
advertising..which is my major
honestly, i don't really think about it..coz i my mind turns into different things. high school friends.
so many people i meet, from my life in the past.
people that left something in my some condition in my life.
whether it's pain or Happy..they still important for me.

i cannot lie,every single profile that I've been open,are make me surprised.
they quite famous in high school -in some
and we've been contact each other yet, since one and a half year (is had been to long?)
i really proud of them, because some of them are survive to maintain their relationship..
fiuh...i don't know how long already...
but they still together..

WheZt & Sheila

Bobby & Ocha

some of them are grow up and make a changes in their life with have a boyfriend and girl friend.

as i know, when we was in high school they really closed to the still finding something..
yeah,but now.. they find what they want...i really proud of it.
Agni and couple

Yohan and couple

and guys,
sorry for using your picture in my blog. (maybe it's your personal pic)
i just want to write about you all...what i feel now, and..
actually it's amazing.
i just realize, now, we taking our own way..
like..what we want to be.
it's we are different
We are not the same school...we don't really contact each other
but..we still have connection...we are friend..
and i wouldn't forget it ^^
love ya!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N -without answer

I don't like when people asked me about you,
I don't like everyone asked me about it.
am I always with you???
couldn't I go without you?
do I need always be with you?
why people keep asking me about you..
should I answer it?
if you going with other people,without me..did they ask the same question?
what did you answer it?
did they always keep asking you?
.....i don't think so
besides,twice you left me,and broke your promises!
I have my own life! i have my freedom!
if I want to go with other people..without asking you...that's my will!!
that's nothing about you...
even you have your own way,why they keep asking me?
why you always be my sorrow?.. even you good to me.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

from BF

today,i chat with my boyfriend.finally..,we had a good conversation..
after long time we didn't chat like this..
because we doing nothing..he changed the environment with sketch pad (should try!) and our conversation became so interesting.

my BF draw for me...and this is the result..not bad..^^


request from me chocolate lophe

the second picture,i coloring the cloth,he said become tiger LOL

and yea..this present seems so real..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

too much problem in my days..
about friend-liar+helpless+changes
boyfriend,-lack communication
tribal,-upcoming attacks
my family-my brother
i hope this all not disturb my study..i hope i can be more stronger..

HIDUP (1st blog with indonesian languages)

belakangan ini aku diterpa ma hal-hal tentang hidup..
sebenarnya aku udah biasa,bahkan selalu berpikir tentang hal ini..
tapi tetep aja ada pertanyaan dalam benakku.

pernah nggak sih kalian membandingkan hidup kalian dengan orang lain?
membandingkan diri kalian dengan orang lain?
mungkin kamu punya temen yang hidupnya dimatamu sempurna..orang tua yang sayang,anaknya good-looking,dicintai semua orang..
sampai kamu iri...yach...iri (iri itu dosa)
kayaknya Tuhan ga adil banget nyiptain kita seperti ini..dan diya seperti itu,
tapi apakah kamu tau..di dunia ini nggak ada yg sempurna..

-im always fell like that..and i always try to find out.-

tapi kamu tau nggak...
mungkin dibalik ketawanya...diya menyimpan banyak masalah,
mungkin dibalik senyumnya,diya menyimpan kekurangan,
dan mungkin...dari sapaannya...diya ingin kamu mencintainya,karena keluarganya...tidak.
sebenarnya mereka mencari2 kebahagiaan mereka dalam hidup,tapi nggak pernah mereka temukan.
akhirnya..mungkin salah jalan..dan nggak ada seorang temanpun yang bisa membantu.karena mereka meninggalkan teman2 yang nggak sejalan ma pikiran mereka..padahal..mereka orang2 benar.
aku sangat menyayangkan banget orang2 yang hidupnya kayak gitu..tapi,kembali lagi..itu hidup mereka..their freedom to get their happiness...

orang itu bisa kuat karena keyakinan dan prinsip hidup,
bisa dibilang orang punya pedoman kayak gitu punya quality of life.
dan kita bisa nge-test apakah mereka punya quality of life pada saat mereka DOWN..
apakah mereka akan lari dari keyakinan dan pedoman hidup mereka,atau tetap pada pendirian.
tapi dari pengalamanku...mereka akan jatuh sama yang namanya DOSA
dan mengingkari jati diri mereka..
. body's perfect
aku merasa hidupku juga nggak selalu sempurna..
i grow withouth my daddy..and my family is not perfect at all
but..i can really happy with my life
although im not as perfect as other people...
but i proud of my self...i have quality of life with me.
and Jesus is the One who being my guide of life..
as long as i can be happy in my version..
i feel that im a happiness person in the world.
please feel like me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

because yeehuey TAG me

1. What is the relationship of you and her/him?
- couples
2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
-smart, funny, cuek,egoist, easy to give up.
3. The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
- when we had dating
4. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
- aku merasa bersyukur kenal ma kamu
5. If she/he become your lover, you will..
- he is my boyfriend
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will..
- he never be my enemy
7. If she/he become your lover, he has to improve on..
- improve in his attitude,they way he think, and his behaviour
8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..
- He cheat
9. The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
10. The overall impression of her/him is..
- he is a kind person
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
- I'm a individual person,a bit weird, like to take photo
12. The character of you for yourself is?
- ill try to be nice to all. and make my self comfortable
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- when i drop, i will hate everyone,and also my self.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
- no body's perfect
15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
- very very thanks because u want to be part of my life,thx to always call me,ask me and like me.sometimes u may hurt me,but its ok. im not a erfect people that always smile in front of you..but deep indside my hearth,i really want to make you all happy beside me.

TAG : winda, febri,melvin,aya,adjie.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


i just want to drop some opinion..

yeah,im very2 busy these days, very tired..but some part of it i felt fun.
when i had a holiday..i miss college,but when the active day coming,i feel so lazy
thatz what life show me..
because of and my boyfriend is lack of communication.

"pas aku nganggur kamu akeh tugas,pas aku akeh tugas kamu nganggur"
thats what my boyfriend said...
i can't avoid it.
i hope it wouldn't get worse.

i try to enjoy my life..
sometimes,when my condition going down,and my mood turns to bad..i cannot control my self. it become so irritating.

but yeah...exam is coming
i need to cover all my problem.
then, thank to God for all that i have.
