Monday, February 28, 2011


Hey asshole,
I hope that you have no brain, no charm, and ugly
so that you can live more peaceful and longer

Saturday, February 26, 2011

one of the best day in my life

When Lord gave me an example of true friendship
which I experienced with my best friends
and he spoke directly to me

"Sir 6:5-17

A kind mouth multiplies friends and appeases enemies,
and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings.
Let your acquaintances be many,
but one in a thousand your confidant.
When you gain a friend, first test him,
and be not too ready to trust him.
For one sort is a friend when it suits him,
but he will not be with you in time of distress.
Another is a friend who becomes an enemy,
and tells of the quarrel to your shame.
Another is a friend, a boon companion,
who will not be with you when sorrow comes.
When things go well, he is your other self,
and lords it over your servants;
But if you are brought low, he turns against you
and avoids meeting you.
Keep away from your enemies;
be on your guard with your friends.
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter;
he who finds one finds a treasure.
A faithful friend is beyond price,
no sum can balance his worth.
A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy,
such as he who fears God finds;
For he who fears God behaves accordingly,
and his friend will be like himself."

Thanks Lord, you always made my day :)
<3 YOu the most!

pentingnya persahabatan

I still remember when the first time I came to Adelaide, my heart still attached with all my best friends in Malaysia feeling of emptiness and missing someone who really close to me, made me wanted to go back Malaysia so much. several months passed, and I still couldn't find any place which makes me comfortable as what I felt for them, It's really hard to find somebody to fill my emptiness Those longing made me wanted to go back Malaysia so much and make heavily to stayed nicely in Adelaide. but now It's different. when I am in Malaysia, there is always something that bounded me with Adelaide, something strong that attach in my heart, and I never forget it even though I am with my girlfriends. something that makes me missing Adelaide so much, makes me can't wait to going back, and those reasons realized me, that I have made a friendship over there a Friendship that brought me alive, has been fill my emptiness with love and feeling of belonging. which same amount with what I had in Malaysia. I don't say that those feeling which I felt for my GF are gone, both of them are still best friend of mine, both of them were giving me different expirince of friendship, the similiarity is they fill up my emptiness with their love, which is I need the most. feeling that I am not alone, there always will be friends around me who will help me when I need them So, when you want your life easier and full of love, please make a friend, and find your true friends * I love you guys: ALice, Vinny, Christine, Joko, Dion, Hendry you guys absolutely have my vote in heaven!! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

learn something

being beside of my girlfriends right now is one of the best moments in my life,
laugh together, sleep together and share the burden. this really the best moment that I've waiting for since July last year.
They are really makes me so comfortable with having someone to share, knowing that they will always beside you and support whatever that you want to do.
but having such a good time reminds me with the other side of my life which not so easy but already become my habit.
I kind of miss Adelaide even though I'm in Malaysia- place where I though I am having a nightmare.
Thingking about the reason, There are some reasons that clearly state in my mind why somehow I miss Adelaide: because I can be independent, take a risk, and I acn learn a lot.
eventhough I gone through a lot of pain for being alone and no body cares, but when I look back every single things that I've gain, I've kind of proud of my self and being cherish that I'm able to do it.
my girlfriends are always all that I need: having a warm hug, people who understand you and will help you when you needed, but somehow it makes me dependent and not growing.

and now, I know that Adelaide has stolen one part of my heart that makes me want to go back. and probably one of the reason is, I have my boyfriends over there :)

I really need to thanks God for let me be in Adelaide.
Thank's God.

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine days

hey yo this is valentine day!

and like last year, I didn't prepare any chocolate for anyone, and don't have any plan with anybody.
is not that I don't want celebrate, just the person that I want to give is not around, and I have nobody to date in sad right?? but I don't feel it's sad because I love to be single XD

I think I use to skip Valentines day nowdays... too bad too bad :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

character that I need (3)

One of my non favorite activities is stay at home and being unproductive.

YES, especially when I need to do it in my holiday time, I mean if I'm in Adelaide now,in my own room, it's going to be my choice to be at home, but Helllow, I'm in Penang, I spent almost 12 days here and I am depending on a person to bring me out and I stuck at their home for almost 3days in a row.

Oh My God, this is really not my favorite.

The condition of uncertain, depending, and have no choice is the best part which makes me lack of control and can't do anything much to changes it.- this is one of my problem.
Soon, I will have this situation everytime when I have a boyfriend or someone who I will call my other half. but I need some more space to it.
maybe what I needs are to be more understanding and patience. more easily to accept the condition without arguing or nagging, not to see who is win or lose, but more to how to solve this problem.

I'm easily to accept and be more understanding tho. but somehow I need to face that in my heart always have an argument that prove the real condition and my real reaction. just after awhile and with fully controlled, I can process it to be a better reaction.

anyway, I want someone that has a plan, A,B,C fail still have D and E. so we can choose which one is more suitable and more discussion, not only one person decision. and I hope that I have a partner who like to travel


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

kasus bank century in my eyes

Pagi ini isenk2 temen post di wallnya tetang sebuah blog, yang dibuat oleh anak berusia 19 tahun, dan sedang menjadi buah bibir dikalangan negri kita. pantesan, ternyata blog ini adalah blog seorang anak gadis bernama Alanda anak dari Arga Tirta Kirana tertuduh kasus bank century.

It's not the first time for Indonesia having kind of issue where money is more powerfull untill can brought justice.

for me personally, meluangkan waktu membaca blog Alanda membukakan mata saya lebar2 tetang Indonesia yang masih tetap sama- malah tidak bertambah baik. sudah 5 tahun saya meninggalkan Indonesia untuk belajar di negara lain, berharap bahwa ketika saya kembali ke Indonesia, Ia akan lebih baik dan mau belajar, sehingga Ilmu2 yang saya dapat dari negri orang bisa saya terapkan, dan memajukan negara ini. tapi melihat kenyataan yang masih teteap sama. keragu raguan saya bertambah besar, apa saya siap unutk kembali ke Indonesia?

it's been 5 years, it's long enough for me to grasp all the knowledge and apply it in my own country, nasmun ketika Indonesia masih belum mau belajar dan berusaha melihat dengan kacamata yang lebih tajam, untuk hal sebesar kasus bank century saja Ia nggak bisa melihat, apalagi untuk hal hal awam yang akan saya tawarkan. yang mungkin 1000 orang lulusan luar negri sedang menunggu seperti saya

quote dari alanda sekali lagi membelalakkan mata saya.

saya tidak punya impian untuk menjadi salah satu dari orang orang yang sehabis study berkarya di negri lain, mimpi saya adalah untuk kembali ke Indonesia dan membantu Indonesia untuk bangkit dengan cara yang simple. karena saya bukan orang luar biasa dan nggak pernah mau berurusan dengan kotornya politic negara. I want spent my life with all my family that protected by the great government who support their civilian and have a justice.
I'm still 21 years old, but I need to think carefully from now where I want to build my family since my own country can't promise us any convenient with a good way.

Mungkin banyak kasus yang sudah terjadi dari sepuluh tahun yang lalu yang masih dengan persoalan yang sama, kalo Indonesia terus mengulang masalah yang sama tanpa ada penyelasaian san solusi, apa artinya Indonesia itu belajar?

I hope that Indonesia want to learn more and be more justify with all those case in the politican society.
*Support pray for Alanda!

Poem for people at behind of the hills

Dear friend,
I heard the mourn from behind of the hills
singing the sad melody following by sob sob sob, break down the heart
tears came out, some mystery had to be reveal.

no one can lie, nothing worth to hide
and, those wind flies and bring the news from the back of the hills, to the world
people might think differently:
It might be a truly sorrow that every human being deserve. It's just one of the circumstances that every people have to gone though it.
but for me, It's one of the victory.
Whoever lose, It's not the problem. the important things is the happy ending. no more struggle, no more worried.
and those news, tears apart every single piece of your heart, that left from the long battle that you had.
breaking you down, till the madness controlled you, bring you up and down.
Yes you might be upset, for everything that went out of plan.. but you need move on and skip this.
I believe that anything that needs to be relief has gone from your side.
and everything that meant to stay in you heart will stay strong.

the victory is in your hand, release the boundaries and end the war!
don't even lose you faith and keep fighting. another battle is in eyes. waiting for you to be ready for the next round.
Hey, friend behind the hills, be strong! no mourn can bring you down! no sorrow can drag you to hell, unless you let them do.

Even when I can't really be a warrior and fight with you over there, but you know that you are not alone. or even the one that you love, is with Him

_be strong_
Christin Natalia Kang

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

belajar masak dengan ah ma

250g butter
200g sugar
1 sendok teh garam
(campur donk)
500g fla, 2 sendok teh baking soda, 2 sendok teh bi carbonet soda (aduk)
6 of eggs!
8 pisang donk

160 degree, 45 menit
jadi dech!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I was 64.8 in the begining of december
and now
I am 68.6 !!!!

remmeber my 21 years old resolution?? I don't think it's gonna work!



last month I was in St.Patric for Indonesian mass,llast 3 weeks I was in St. Xaverius Adelaide, last 2 weeks I was in St.George cathedral in Perth, last week in St. Thomas More KL, and tomorrow will be in St.Mary Penang. I just wondering where I will be next week? :D

God is so good!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

hampa atau penuh?

uncertain feeling that I have right now,
even though I have so many stuff that I want to be able manage my image, but just feel so compelete.
or maybe, have no idea where to start.
mom has given me money to spend, but I just don't feel those plan is what I need right now
I'm comfortable with the life that God has given to me, I'm truly happy
or.. I'm just too empty?
too empty with all world stuff...
complicated feeling. just I don't want to spend money

about revelation and faith

recently, me and one of my spritual friend talking about this hot issue, we have been passed several argument to find out about this, yes this is kind of sensitive and need a lot of knowledge

sejauh ini, ini yang saya daptkan:

Salvation, ato keselamatan, itu sudah kita dapatkan sejak kita menerima Kristus sebagai juru selama kita, karena kita sendiri telah ditebus oleh darahnya jauh sebelum kita lahir. itu adalah fakta yang pasti, bahwa keselamatan itu telah ditangan kita. dan karena iman kita (faith) terhadap Yesus, maka kita diselamatkan (lukas 17:19).

Iman, kata temenku kita nggak bisa mengukur seberapa iman kita, yang bisa ngukur adalah Tuhan. karena iman itu adalah pemberian Tuhan (ef 2:8) yes it is true, namun dengan perbuatan2 yang kita lakukan terhadap sesama dan dalam kehidupan sehari hari, denga habbit kita mencintai dan melakukan apa yang yesus ajarkan kita bisa tau seberapa besar cinta kita terhadap Tuhan (yakobus 2:17)

foe example: gampangnya aja, bagaimana kamu bisa menilai kalo seseorang mengalami kemunduran iman? mungkin dengan melihat bahwa diya jadi jarang pelayanan, jadi jarang bedoa, dan jauh dari gereja, mungkin pegaulannya juga berubah. ibarat orang jatuh cinta, pasti mau mau melakukan apa saja yang diperintahkan pujaan hatinya, dan mau nggak mau mereka akan saling mempengaruhi habbit mereka. kalo kita jatuh cinta sama Tuhan otomatis kita selalu dekat dengan diya dan melaukan perbuatan perbuatan yang diya lakukan, ketika kita berhenti untuk melakukan perbuatan2 itu, pasti ada question di benak kita, what's wrong with their relationship?
tapi apakah setelah berhenti melakukan perbuatan2 baik, keselamatan hilang dari padanya? tentu saja nggak, karena keselamatan itu kekal namun iman diya terhadap Tuhan yang melemah itu bisa menjadi batu sandungan untuk perjalanan diya menuju kesana.dan diya melupakan tugas utama diya di dunia untuk menyebarkan rahmat Tuhan itu kepada sesama sehingga setiap orang bisa merasakan salvation yang diya terima. (mungkin ini ada sebutan baru untuk satu ini)

namun, perjuangan kita nggak habis sampai disini, untuk membuktikan iman kita, kita harus terus berjuang untuk menjaga kekudusan dan keyakinan kita terhadap Yesus (Flp 2:12, ibr 12:17)

anyway, sebenarnya semuanya udah tertulis di 1 petrus 1.

Thank for my spiritual tunning partner, meskipun kadang njengkelin dengan kata2 "ya wes to" -nya :D , dan kayaknya sama2 keras kepala sama aku, masih mau untuk selalu berbagi dan saling bertukar pengetahuan, atleast dengan begitu aku jadi cari tahu lebih lagi mengenai Tuhan.

luk 1:77?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hello!! this is my new hair inCNY 2011. The first time I decided to curl my hair.
look a bit girly tho, but that is how i want to be. so.. hopefully I do look good with this new style

before and after and will post up later :)