Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Beberapa hari ini aku bertemu dengan teman teman sepantaranku untuk catch up, and honestly I'm surprises that all of them are working now..
most of them are my male friends, I asked them why they want to work straight since they just finish study, and they said" I have no choice" or " kalo nggak kerja ngapain lagi?"
They have some struggle, find a path, the right path for them.. and start to make the first steps.. there is always a process for every adjustment.
yang aku inget.. "jangan menunggu untuk siap. karena disaat kamu nggajk siap itu dimana km belajar."
ketika aku dihadapkan pada pertanyaan "apakah aku harus melakukan hal yg sama" since mereka cowok jadi beban mereka lebih berat, dan mereka selalu bilang aku nggak harus melakukan itu karena tergantung suamiku nanti.. but that makes me want to do more.

nah... sekarang aku selesai liburan, kayaknya aku bakal bantu mama once I arrives in Blitar, mama bilang aku bakal digaji, untuk membantu renovasi toko. jujur aku belum memutuskan karena kalo aku kerja di blitar means aku bakal stuk disana, nggak bisa berteman, nggak bisa memperluas koneksi.. but who know God's way?
aku juga berpikir kl ak di blitar, gmn dengan relationshipku? gmn dgn Dion? malah LD lageeee
Tapi yang membuat aku semangat adalah... visionku kedepan. kalo aku emang serius mau menjalani hidup ini aku harus fokus ke depan, kalau bisa financially free before 30, bagus kan? malah siap membangun keluarga dan lebih mandiri :) Dion juga bakal less burden in the future.

fokuss... fokus cari duiiittttttttttt

Sunday, February 26, 2012


sebulan di Indonesia, banyak banget lho yang perlu di adjust
selain karena masalah kesehatan dan makanan yang tiap org pasti ngalamin, aku juga ngalamin krisis privacy yang di rumahku sama sekali nggak pernah diterapkan. dan ini menimbulan cucuran airmata yang membanjir..karena kamarku telah dilangkahi privacynya

jadi begini ceritanya...

dari kamis lalu sampai selasa besok, aku bakal ada di malang..nah jadi temen kakaku dari negar` clekosbjdnfzxfuiwe sedang bekunjung ke blitar, dan tanpa ada haha hihi huhu, dia menginap dikamarku. nahh... ketika hari ini aku tau bahwa si bule menginap di kamarku tanpa sepengetahuanku, otomatis aku aget donkk... yang aku pikirin yah si Bobby, Arnold dan Felix yang bakal di mek mek sama strangers ato bakal tidur ama si bule yang nggak tau belum mandi berapa hari, siapa tau bawa kutu dari tmpt asalnya...yaksssss... ditambah lagi kakaku baru ketemu nich orang kali ini, dulunya kenal di facebook...masyaawlaaahhh....
karena tindakan ketidakadlan ini kutelephonelah oda, kutanyalah kokoku kenapa dia nggak tanya sama aku dulu, atleast ngabarin. dia bilang " nggak kepikiran ndut".
begitu juga dengan mamaku, dia bilang bahwa dia nggak nyangka kalo reaksiku bakal seperti ini.. I mean hellow! dari dulu harusnya udah tau donk kalo barang2 yg aku pake aku nggak suka share ke orang lain,apalagi kamar yang jelas jelas itu kayak secret caveku dimana semua barang2ku aku taroh, makannya aku selalu siapin extra untuk orang lain, ini malah suruh sharing sama strangers???!!!
okay, mungkin saya yang harus mengerti karena saya orang baru di rumah, dan mereka juga harus mau belajar mengerti saya karena kami akan gidup bersama..
jujur suasana seperti ini membuat aku kesulitan untuk beradaptasi, sampe saat ini benernya aku masih nggak nyaman lho di indonesia, dan dengan adanya dilanggarnya privacy saya yah semakin sulit cara penyesuaian dirinya..
dari case ini yang paling aku ingat adalah kata2 mama..  "yang sabar yah, masih penyesuaian"

Thx mom, you are the best :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

im in Indonesia

finally...it's been a month..
in the beginning its really hard to cope with the situation, especially when I am in blitar
I felt trapped in the situation when I was kid..everything seems to be really small and old, didn't look a like what I've got in Malaysia or Adelaide... the road is small, the gate.,the furniture really old, still the same  since 10 years back. same condition, just the people are getting old.to make it easy for me, mom dedicated one room in our old house yet  renovated to me, I need to go around my house 10 times to adapt with this situation,it still strange for me to feel the atmosphere, to get use with the weather and dog's bark from my lawn, the busy road in front of my room.. somehow I felt lost, but i need to get use to it in the meantime.
in the first week I was  sick. cough and cold, doesn't make me feel any better, especially when i was in Jakarta i get diarrhea, kind of serious because I really couldn't hold my tummy to react and give me a horrible reaction, i need to rest hotel for one day, cant eat anything accept porridge and went to toilet 10 times in an hour!

its kind of one of the worst sick.. but thats worthed, because i can feel that im doing normal like others. my body adjusting with Indonesian food, like others said, I will feel sick in the first three months because my body adjusting with environment and weather in Indonesia a after 1 moths will be better
I haven't gain any weight, Praise God. maybe because I'm not really into food now, I just eat what i need, not too much. for now on, my plan its just settling down in Indonesia, for the first year I'm going to stay in blitar helping my mom to renovate my shop - toko pelangi- and learn TOKO PELANGI's system for better future.

it hard for me to realizes that people have their own life, they started to build their life, become somebody that I never imagine before. all my friend have their own life now. kind of disappointed because i thought they will have time for me if I visited them since we long time never see each other. but that was wrong, they have their work, their boyfriend, their family.. and few left for me. I need to realise that. even when I really want to have girls day out, they asked to bring their boyfriend together with us..for any reason we need to agree, and there will be no more girls day out i guess, even i know i have boyfriend too and i know how does it feel when he is far away.. i miss him so much, but we still need quality time aaprt from the,m right?
somehow.. i miss my high school life when most of us have no boyfriend and we only have each other to lay on.. really. it's bad for me even worst for those who has no boyfriend, I'm lucky has no problem about it, and when I have no friend and no idea where to go he always there for me even only on the phone..accompany me.,really thank God for him :) *&hug.  I need to face it.. this is not the time to pity my self but to realized that people grow and changes, they are trying to build their life, take over the elder to run this world, and I need to start as well...

after a month...
Joko and hendry have move on to continue their measter in beijing, wirawan has a job, some of my friend has decided their business, Dion still trying to get Aus PR with IELTS. and me.. trying to get my self right and choose my way. i ope this is right

now is pre easter.. i hope God get me in the right track! hope you do it as well :)