people said, it's so highschool, but for me, that was soo elementary school. :D
whatever it is, they still rock! and even more, I could see how professional they are.
INDOfest merupakan salah satu acara tahunan bagi warga Indonesia di Adelaide, so since this is my first year, I want to be participated :)
bermula membantu bu Asanah buat kue dari hari Jumat-Sabtu, sampai nonton sheila on7 di d'cavern and menghadiri INDOfest, was really amazing expirienced for me, quarter of it, I felt founded half of my self when I am beside them. so, I realise how Indonesi an I am XD
nggak mau banyak cing cong ling long ting tong, yang jelas concert sheila bener2 ROCK-ing Adelaide, tempatnya di The Cavern, capacity 300 peoples, and It was full. panggung kecil, ada pub di tengah, bener nyantai dech pokoknya, and kita berdiri baris pertama n kedua dari depan , bujubuneng niat benerrrr....demi untuk kecipratan kringet duta *yaelaahhhhh, hahahahha. demi melihat sang legenda lebih jelas lah tepatnya. dan emang ternyata aksi panggung mereka sangat memukau. bertemu mereka di luar sangat berbeda dengan diatas panggung, they are really a SUPERSTAR on the stage.
apalagi si eros, charmnya pas bersama dengan soulmatenya, sangat membuktikan kalo diya musisi sejati, nggak ada habisnya!and see what his secret?
ada cerita ttg "sovenir" dari concert, jadi I was looking at Adam the whole time since he was playing in front of me, and I noticeshe has a lot of pick guitar,which he would throw right after the concert. I didn't get any, and I really wants it! so when I have chance to take picture with them, I asked him personally
"kak, masih ada nggak pick guitarnya? minta donk :D" (sambil memasang tampang cute)
"oh iya masih ada, tp di depan, nanti yah"
aku pegang kata2 Adam,and I waited till they finish the photo session and I came again to ask for the signature, and surprisee Adam still noticed me and said
"oh kamu tadi yang minta pick guitar yah?, ini ini.." sambil mengeluarkan satu kantong plastic pick yang warnanya kuning-biru, jauh lebih keren dari yang merah
"makasiiiiihhhhhhhh" aku dapet dua XD (tapi satunya aku kasih joko)
and Seviella ada kenalan crewnya Sheila, meskipun abang2 tapi orangnya baik, diya ambilin kita pick Adam yg warna merah dari casenya, so saya dapat dua!! :), makasih ya massss
seviella dapet 4 :)
waktu di Indofest, mereka juga membuktikan bahwa mereka still alive, and still the same, 15 years ago and now, they are still Sheila On7
teteup semangat
so this is it, me n Sheila on7, the legend of Indonesian band...
when they were "menghirup udara" before concert
and together as a group.
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