Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Just try get my self done to figure out condition that still uncertain, So many things that still uncomfortable to me. especially how I find out people sometimes really have unfriendly behavior that couldn't change, even when I'm close to this person, I can't resist.
It's even harder when I don't really have people to talk to. sigh*

Despite of any unpleasant moment, I really had a great day in Adelaide. Hopefully it doesn't turn to nightmare when class start :)

I have some update on my Facebook page about how's life going on in here, and It's selected, so only things that suitable to show in the public, and not related to any personal interference
haha... So if it's does, please let me know and I will remove it straight.

some update :) You will like it

Me & kangroo and Me&Wallaby

And this lophly girl bring me banana for breakfast that day, Gomawo jung eun!!

first, come along with all international students which is mostly Asian

and get to know them personally

next trip will be tomorrow.
hope had a lot of fun :)

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